Student Exam Scheduling Webpage 


Welcome to the DSPS Exam Scheduling webpage.  To schedule a testing appointment you must:


1.   Be a GWC DSPS student who has been approved for Testing Accommodations.

2.   Send your Accommodation Letter to your professor. (This only needs to be completed once each semester)

3.  Online Classes: If your classes are conducted online, your instructor will receive your DSPS Accommodation Letter that you sent to them and they will make the necessary time adjustments based off your DSPS approved extended time. To confirm that your exam time has been adjusted, kindly contact your instructor.

4.     In-Person Exams at DSPS: For exams that will be proctored in the DSPS office, please make sure to schedule all exams and quizzes using our Test Booking Wizard for all your quizzes and exams. We strongly encourage you to schedule all your quizzes and exams for the entire semester when scheduling your exams.

5.   All appointments must be scheduled at least three (3) days before your exams/quizzes. Please note, DSPS may not be able to accommodate you if your appointment is booked less than three (3) days before your test.